JamesB's blog

Free Build February

Some images from the Free build session from Autus at Night.

Christmas in Blender

Christmas Star in BlenderThis week the Blender group made a texture for the Christmas Star! This involved a lot of texture nodes to create the foil like covering a star has. Then the lighting was added to make it all sparkling and shiny!

Teleportation 'Rail Network' to Come

A map of the SJC section of the AIM GridAutus and Autus at Night have been very busy lately and here is a longer report on what they have been getting up to!!

SJC 14th March

Some further information on the Autus at Night and Social Job Club!!

SJC Newsletter!

Please find this weeks Newsletter by Solly giving you in brief all the news around the Social Job Club and Autus at Night. Thanks so much to Solly for all her hard work in getting this Newsletter completed!!

Conversation Starters with SJC

Conversation starters posterThis week Autus at Night had a discussion about how to start conversations. Many find this a challenge and lack confidence when approaching others.

Blender Updates!

Coffee Mug UVBlender Class met up this week and the UV map of the coffee cup started to take shape.
It's important to create a good UV map when working with Blender  in order that the textures of the coffee cup will look and flow so much better.

Autus at Night is BACK!

AaN FlyerAutus at Night Presents - Free Build Night 12 September 2023. This is an opportunity to catch up on your independent build projects, explore our new community of sims, make progress on your goal planning or meet with staff or team members for collaboration or help.

Reclaim Video!

This video was created as part of the Reclaim project where the team recreated Croydon in the virtual world. Reclaim is all wound up now, but it would be sad not to show off everyone's hard work a little further!

Save the Date!

We're excited to announce our first "Autus at Night" session! Tuesday 2nd of May from 7pm to 10pm courtesy of Kitty and H, with chat and trivia!


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