Programme Archive
Programme Archive
The following are records of our various completed programmes and projects, and as such registrations for the programmes mentioned on this page are now closed. If you are interested in participating in our current projects, please see the Programmes section in the menu above!
We are so excited to offer a new project that will get us working together to Reclaim Croydon!
As part of this project participants will use their skills and creativity to co-design a virtual Croydon including the town centre, parks and the River Wandle to develop an immersive educational experience for young people to learn about key environment matters affecting urban areas.
We need people to take on roles such as Research, Photography, 3D Modelling, Scripting, and Video Editing to work as part of a team lead by one of our facilitators.
Participants will log into our online 3D virtual environment and collaborate ‘in-world’ and undertake personal tasks to recreate Croydon and design Reclaim learning resources.
This is a great opportunity to share your ideas and build employability and leadership skills in an innovative and topical educational project.
To register your interest please click here:
Project funded by Cellnex via the London Community Foundation
Digital Horizons
There is an increasing range of employment and income generating opportunities online. Using our virtual learning environment, Digital Horizons will allow participants to acquire, refine and apply their creative talents in virtual and online platforms. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore areas of digital creativity (3D Creation, Internet and Technical, Graphics and Video) with a view to future progression and outcomes.
The programme will last for one year, and will include self-directed activities. It will focus on acquiring, developing and exhibiting the digital skills that are increasingly in demand in online, virtual and immersive platforms, and in accessing appropriate social media and marketing platforms for display or sale.
With funding from the London Community Foundation, Digital Horizons is open to participants residing in the Greater London Area. Please use the link below to register your interest:
BACP Research Project
Autus is excited to be participating in a research project with a number of other organisations!
Autus is happy to announce our new project: EMERGE, funded by the John Lewis partnership. The project is for young people aged between 16 and 30 living in Croydon and neighbouring boroughs and is a must for those who are having difficulty in preparing for and creating self-directed work.
EMERGE will put you on the pathway to self-employment through confidence-building and enterprise skills development. It provides a meaningful alternative to the traditional work environment which creates significant barriers to a highly skilled community willing and able to make a contribution to the local economy.
Applications are welcome from individuals, organisations, networks and local authorities. Please apply using the link below or forward this information to any interested parties.
3D Makeathon♥Discovery is a programme for those who want a better understanding of who they are and where they fit in the world. Everyone has something to offer and can make a contribution to society. Often we don’t know what that could be, or don't know how to go about making those first steps to achieving it. This programme encourages self-reflection on where you are now, and by understanding more about yourself, what you might want to do in the future.
Using confidence building exercises including building, 3D photography, textures and diagrams you will explore many themes of self identity. Through these explorations, a picture of where you might want to go next and some small short term goals should start to emerge. The programme will take place in the AIM Grid (our 3D virtual world), and also 1-to-1 sessions via Zoom.
If you are interested, please register now at the link below and you will be contacted by the programme leader Jaminda with a view to introducing herself and the programme. The programme will run officially from early April 2022.
Discovery/Makeathon is kindly sponsored by The Jack Petchey Foundation.
Connect 4D
Our year-long research project, Connect 4D, is now completed!
The result includes a sim and accompanying video (viewable below!) that describes the results of the project, designed in large part by our participants, many of whom have Autism.
The overall project aim is to inform young adults about the ways they can get involved with Local Democracy in the Greater London area.
The majority of the project was executed by the participants, including setting up and attending meetings and interviews with volunteer professionals involved in the democratic process, from councillors to lobbyists to MPs. Many elements of the project involved learning new skills, including the design and creation of the video. Credit is also due for the participants who undertook face to face meetings; an unfamiliar and stressful experience for many of our member.
We would like to thank Team London for their funding and support with this project. It has provided valuable learning and insight to all involved.
Please contact if you would like to organise a visit to your school, college, or organisation presenting our project.
Compass Coaching
Things are challenging at the moment, most especially for individuals dealing with Autism or similar conditions. That's why with funding from London Community Response, Autus is launching our new Compass Coaching programme.
Compass Coaching will remotely provide one-to-one support to individuals, particularly those struggling in the face of the ongoing situation with its isolation, lockdowns, and uncertainties. Through a variety of methods best suited to the individual learner, we will provide six tailored sessions to assist participants toward a particular goal or goals, such as participation in group activities, job seeking, or managing the challenges they face in everyday life.
So if you are struggling to remain active and engaged at the moment, or have something in particular that you would like to achieve with which you think we might be able to assist, then click here to register your interest and we will get back to you to discuss how we might be able to help!
With funding from the City Bridge Trust, the Autus KEY-Tech Programme is a 12 week course designed to help participants prepare to enter the job-hunting phase of their lives.
During the course learners will define their career goals by narrowing their interests. As we progress we will begin to chart out a plan, and organize our objectives. Team building exercises are included to help learners build confidence in themselves and their ability to work within a team. Finally, we will discuss the interview process and prepare to present ourselves to potential employees.
KEY-Tech is open to new learners and returning learners who feel they can further benefit from the structured process of this programme. If you are interested, please register through the following link:
- Solly, one of our KEY-Tech participants has begun keeping a blog of their group's progress!
The Create project aims to provide a virtual space for individuals who feel isolated from society to express themselves. Using the various creative and expressive tools available through our virtual learning environment, participants will have the opportunity to explore their creativity, with a particular focus on articulating and coping with the challenges of the present day.
Create aims to provide a safe space upon which its users can depend during this otherwise uncertain period of our lives. Using the 3D modelling and other associated tools available to our users as a base for Art Therapy activities, we hope to help participants process their feelings, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase their self-esteem.
If you would like to join in with us on the Create programme, then please register your interest through the form available at the following link:
Some more images of our most recent Create showcase are now available to view on our Twitter!
Keeping it Wild
Autus is excited to be participating in London Youth's Keeping it Wild project. Participants will take part in the creation of a digital resource where the images, creations, and information they produce over the course of the programme will be displayed.
Starting with a 'Wild Meet' in our virtual world delivered by speakers from London Youth and the London Wildlife Trust, Keeping it Wild will focus on the importance of protecting our local wildlife. Subsequent meetings will involve decisions about where and how to focus our efforts, both inside and outside the virtual world with options from 3D modelling to photography or research, as well as lessons in areas such as phtography and other media.
Under the current circumstances, Keeping it Wild is a perfect opportunity for young people to safely meet and collaborate where they might otherwise be left alone with social distancing, to share their learning and experiences with nature, and to create something that will help raise awareness of and expose others to wildlife now and beyond the lockdown.
In addition to raising awareness of the nature around us, our participation in Keeping it Wild aims to encourage self-motivation, creativity and team work, develop skills in digital media and virtual environments, and to have a positive overall impact on the mental health of everyone involved.
Whilst Keeping it Wild is aimed primarily at young people in the Greater London area, as the project is provided entirely online we encourage anyone interested to register their interest at For the same reason, we are unable to provide in person support and so participants will require their own access to a computer and internet connection. A flyer is also available in .pdf form, below.
Keeping it Wild has a flyer available to view here!
Our participant blogger, Solly, is publishing a chronicle of our pogress which you can read here!
You can now view a gallery of our photographs and in-world progress here, on flickr!
Connect 4D
Our year-long research project, Connect 4D, is now completed!
The result includes a sim and accompanying video (viewable below!) that describes the results of the project, designed in large part by our participants, many of whom have Autism.
The overall project aim is to inform young adults about the ways they can get involved with Local Democracy in the Greater London area.
The majority of the project was executed by the participants, including setting up and attending meetings and interviews with volunteer professionals involved in the democratic process, from councillors to lobbyists to MPs. Many elements of the project involved learning new skills, including the design and creation of the video. Credit is also due for the participants who undertook face to face meetings; an unfamiliar and stressful experience for many of our member.
We would like to thank Team London for their funding and support with this project. It has provided valuable learning and insight to all involved.
Please contact if you would like to organise a visit to your school, college, or organisation presenting our project.

Thanks to funding provided by the Wimbledon Community Foundation and Londony Community Fund, Autus will be running a six week programme with personalised support for learners in Employability Skills and Job Seeking.
Using our virtual world, learners will be introduced to careers in technology such as Data Analytics, Software Development, and Cybersecurity, providing them with a grounding on which to make informed decisions about the fields in which they are most interested and best suited. Additionally, a big focus of the project will be on encouraging confidence building and job readiness. We are busy getting local employers on board to assist us in providing work experience opportunities!
If you would like to participate, then please register your interest here:

Summer Programme 2018
The Summer 2017 programme was a huge success and we are delighted to be able to run a new Summer 2018 programme thanks to some funding from the Masonic Charitable Foundation.
The MCF Award means that we've been able to design a brand new environment with interesting activities to appeal to your creativity, team work and problem solving skills. There will be challenges to overcome, new skills to build and the chance to collaborate on engaging projects all whilst having the fun we seek during those summer months.
Welcome to 3DTV, a virtual TV Stuido where we will create and film a short cooking show. Participants will work together to create our scene components using 3D modeling skills. As a team we will write a script to follow to show how to make our recipe, and use readily available or basic scripts to show our chef cooking and creating a meal.
This is a great programme for people who are interested in Virtual Reality and adding to their 3D build skills.
The programme will run Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00pm to 1:30pm, beginning Tuesday the 17th of July and finishing on Thursday the 26th of August.
- You have digital, technical, financial, catering or other skills; maybe even qualifications
- Getting into work is difficult
- Not sure an office environment is right for you
- You need to build your confidence and manage your anxiety
- You have some interesting ideas
Thanks to a grant from Vanquis Bank and London Community Foundation, we are going to run a pilot for residents in Southwark!
Participants will have the chance to:
- Collaborate with others
- Meet new people
- Learn through themed games and activities
- Get immersed in, and have a hand in shaping our virtual environments
Aspire will be a six week programme, and attendees will also have the opportunity to acquire a qualification in IT User Skills or Employability Skills.
Spaces are limited, so if you live in the Southwark area and think this project could be for you, please click here to go to our registration page!
Mentor Me 3D
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new E-mentoring scheme: 'MentorMe3D'.
If you are interested in working in the I.T. industry or with creative and digital technologies, and need someone in the field to help you plan and take active steps to achieving your goals, MentorMe3D is for you.
From 1st April we are accepting registrations for this exciting new project which will link you with I.T. professionals who will volunteer their time to support you in your career progression.
MentorMe3D would suit people seriously considering a career in I.T. as well as those with self taught creative/digital talent or I.T. qualifications seeking some extra guidance from an experienced 'insider' on how to frame a career around their skills.
We will:
- match you with a mentor from the I.T. sector
- provide a safe online space for you to meet on a regular basis
- support you and your mentor as you work towards achieving your professional goals
We are seeking volunteers from the IT sector to mentor young people on this programme. The support is remote and approximately 4 hours per month and your help can really have a lasting impact. We will provide training and resources to enable you to undertake this rewarding role.
What one of our mentors has to say:
"I was a bit apprehensive about mentoring an autistic person at first but both of us have benefitted from the experience. I have learnt that many skills I take for granted can really make a difference to another person. [His] aptitude for coding is exceptional and I spend a few hours each month listening, guiding and supporting him. It's been very rewarding to see his confidence grow and him securing paid work opportunities in a very short space of time."
Andrew, Business Consultant (Autus Mentor since 2015)
If you are interested in becoming a mentor and contributing to this programme please click here: Register as a mentor
Our new project, Springboard, is a project that will enable attendees in the Surrey area to grow in confidence and develop team-working skills! Participants will have the opportunity to complete an OCN Level 1 Module in Employability in a comfortable and straightforward environment.
The project will last six weeks, and has places for fifteen individuals to use our virtual environment to experience working together as part of a collaborative project, built around themes of woodland camping and trekking. As ever, experience with virtual worlds is not necessary, as everyone will have the opportunity to have an induction where they can learn to use the virtual world and the creative tools that will allow them to contribute to this interactive learning experience.
Each week, our tutors will present a new project to work on, intended to provide new skills and creative opportunities to enhance the beauty of the virtual environment. We hope to create the camping experience of a virtual lifetime!
Springboard will be of great benefit to anyone in the Surrey area wishing to build their social skills and their ability to work with others, as well as helping those seeking employment. And of course, participating in the project will make excellent CV material!
It will be a perfect way to meet, and learn to work and interact with new people, especially if you are not currently seeking work!
If you live in the Surrey area, and are interested in registering to participate in this project, please click here to go to our registration page.
We are pleased to announce our latest project: Sandbox. Named after the creativity-driven gaming subgenre, Sandbox aims to enable a group of young people on the Autistic spectrum to work together toward the creation of a computer game exploring the challenges faced by people with their difficulties. We want your thoughts and insights to help us determine what we create in the end, and working with us on this project will offer a number of benefits including:
- Fostering confidence
- Presenting the opportunity to make friends working as part of a team
- Learning skills that can be transferred to future work places
Using our technologies and with the help of our various contacts and connections, we hope to give participants a sense of accomplishment, the chance to develop their collaborative and employability skills, and something significant that they can add to their CV's. And of course, the opportunity to work together to create an actual computer game!
If you are interested in registering to participate in this project, please click here to go to our registration page.
Thank to our partnership with accounting and finance experts All Inclusive Training, and with the help of the MSE Charity, we will be running a new project to help learners foster money management skills. The Money Smart project will present its learners with a fun and motivating personal finance programme where they will be immersed in lessons, roleplays and simulations to help them better come to grips with financial scenarios and how to deal with them.
The course will last for eight weeks, and cover topics within the OCN Level 2 Personal Money Management Unit, as well as teaching participants basic 3D modelling skills with which they can contribute to, and have a part in, our virtual environment.
Below you can watch a video that showcases the project.
Atoll Island was our Summer project for 2017. Using a desert island as our work environment, Autus team members ran fun sessions over a six week period that focused on a ranged on subjects. With an island survival theme some of the participants had an interesting context to work on 3D design, team work, problem solving and social skills. Others chose to do our website design course and meet the challenge to create a simple website by the end of the project. People chose to attend what most appealed to them and on the final day of the course everyone came together (along with a couple of special guests) to tour the island and view the results of everyone's work.
We had fantastic feedback on this summer programme with comments that participants wished it could be longer!
Below are several pictures taken during sessions at various stages of the project.
You can watch our video of our Atoll island showcase above.
Thanks to London Youth and CVC Capital Partners for funding this great project!
Thanks to a grant from the London Community Foundation, we are happy to announce our new project: Connect Up. Connect Up is an innovative peer support programme for people with Autism and similar complex conditions, designed to combat social isolation, improve social communication skills and build confidence.
If you are living in the Croydon area, and would like the opportunity to exercise skills developed at home with games or through self-learning, then perhaps Connect Up is for you. With personalised support provided by our experienced team of peer mentors and qualified coaches, we offer young people a safe and secure space to learn, socialise and participate in peer support activities all underpinned by confidence building.
Using our Croydon Hub based at the CVA Resource Centre, participants will have regular access to our engaging virtual environment. You can choose to log in from home if you want, or you can attend the Hub (or a combination of both!) to participate in our peer mentoring and support programme via our 3D campus.
- Confidence and skills development - through attendance of our workshops and social club activities
- An accredited employability skills course
- Access to our network of local employers, and the opportunity to find supported work-related opportunities as you progress through our training programme
- Opportunity to meet and participate with other, like-minded people also participating in our programmes
If you are interested in registering as a participant, then please click here to go to our registration page.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our exciting new DWP funded project Journey to Employment.
Using an avatar (a digital version of you) you will log into our online virtual world platform to gain the skills, confidence and support you need get closer to employment.
Getting you closer to employment may involve more than building employability skills and this programme takes a holistic approach to supporting you in taking positive steps to achieve your goals. You will get to shape the direction of your Journey to Employment by working with our experienced mentors and a range of professionals in a safe online environment that you can access from home.
Participate in online workshops, meet local employers, learn 3D modelling skills, take a leadership role in a social job club are just a few of the opportunities available on the digital Journey To Employment.
We are working in partnership with Swindon JCP and you can speak to our Community Employment Specialist to arrange a taster session.
For more information contact or ask your Specialist Health and Disability Coach at Swindon JCP about Personalisation Pathfinder. |
Get what you need to get what you want
The Forward Foundation funded GetSetGO! pilot project is now fully booked but the great news is we are opening access to GetSetGO! by working in partnership with local authorities and other organisations all over the UK. See our "What we offer" page for more details
GetSetGo is a project for young people with a difference: what makes it different is that it’s really a youth led project. The idea is that young people work together to get what they need so that they can get what they want be it jobs, work experience, skills development, friends, creative goals and so on.
‘GetSetGoers’ take part in sessions (mainly via a 3D virtual environment using avatars) which are designed to bring out the best in each and every individual. We share our interests and hobbies and from there 2 coordinators (James and Adam, both in their twenties) plan and run specific activities to help everyone along in achieving their goals.
We think its best to have young people like James and Adam coordinate this project because they can identify with young people and know the challenges that young people face and how hard it is to get a lucky break especially when it comes to working in your field of choice. They participate in the project themselves, are driven to succeed and passionate about ensuring the project achieves meaningful outcomes for them and their fellow Getsetgoers.
James says that ‘the purpose of the activities are to improve the GetSetGoers’
- Personal Strengths
- Knowledge in a specific subject or career/industry
- Level of engagement/activeness
- Pathways into work
- Chances of getting and sustaining employment’
What happens when you join?
We first start of by introducing GetSetgo as a whole, get you registered with an avatar learning how to navigate and do 3d modelling. Most young people are into gaming so this is easy and interesting but for those who have trouble we offer more help.
We then we go on to talk about the sort of stuff we have running and which activities the you would like to participate in. There really is something for everyone and we have regular ‘in world’ sessions where they can log in from home and join the group - these sessions give people a chance improve their:
- Communication skills
- Team work skills
- Building in a 3D environment (Virtual World)
- Overall confidence
Some of the 2014 highlights: tour of animation company studio where Getsetgoers get to create an advert and learn about working in that industry, tour of recording studio where Getsetgoers get to make a CD, workshop on creating excellent CVs that stand out, group project where the groups models a 3D building, 3D Printing exhibition.
If you would like further information about GetSetGo! contact or .
You can also register here.
Follow us on Twitter
Download the GetSetGo! presentation
Download the GetSetGo! schedule
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